What is an energetic income ceiling

This might be a new concept for many of you, so let me explain.

Your current energetic income level is the amount of money you will allow yourself to make/have, before you begin sabotaging things and bringing your income back down to a level that you feel comfortable with. Basically, things begin to get too easy and the abundant flow of life feels unfamiliar to us, especially if we’ve been caught in struggle for a long time. Our subconscious is fearful about all the changes that are taking place, even if they are good and exactly what we want. This is when panic sets in and we revert back to old behaviours, ways of thinking and we literally block more from coming, as well as sabotaging everything that we’ve just created.

Some people talk about this as hitting an upper limit – a term created by a man called Gay Hendricks, who wrote a fantastic booked called “The Big Leap’. We’ll explore upper limits in more depth a little later as it encompasses so many things over and above money. For now let’s focus on the numbers. 

Here are some examples of where you might be hitting your energetic income ceiling when it comes to earning or attracting more money:

  • No matter what you do and how hard you work, you always end up earning the same each month/year
  • You gain a new high paying client and then find you lose a couple of old ones. Again keeping you at the same monthly/yearly income
  • You have an amazing month with extra sales, or the launch of a new program and then the following month you’re back to where you started, or worse
  • You bring in extra income and before you even get the chance to think about spending it, all these unexpected costs occur. The car breaks down, the kids need new shoes, or something else needs to be paid for

 Here are some examples of an energetic ceiling when it comes to having and keeping more money:

No matter how hard you try to save, as soon as you reach a certain amount the money seems to vanish again. Unexpected bills, things you ‘just have to have’ etc

  • You finally pay off your overdraft, but instead, you’ve run up your credit card

 It’s like spinning plates. You have to work so hard to keep everything going and getting ahead just feels impossible. You’re getting so tired with chasing money and trying different things all the time. There are moments you wonder if it’s all worth it and maybe you should just give up and accept your fate.

So many people have income ceilings, so you’re not alone. The key is being able to spot it and then to work out where this ceiling came from. I guarantee it’s self-imposed and if we created this ceiling, then we can smash through it too.

I know you’re feeling frustrated at the constant disappointment of thinking you’ve finally sussed it out and making progress, only to find yourself back where you started. It’s exhausting and demoralizing, especially when you know you have so much to offer. It doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t seem fair, yet if you were to take a moment to breathe deeply and be still, part of you knows this is a block you have created. As I mentioned earlier, it’s likely that you’re protecting yourself from change and the uncertainties of the future. Logically you might think this is nonsense, but experience with clients in thousands of sessions and workshops, has shown me otherwise.

Constant worry and anxiety over money is a heavy weight to carry in the body. It impacts how we feel emotionally and physically and all this can make things even harder. When we’re in that place of fight or flight, our energy is contracted and we’re restricting our ability to receive even more. We need to break this cycle and release this constant worry and anxiety. It’s time to break through this self-imposed ceiling and if you’re ready, I would love to help you.

Deep in your subconscious you will have made a decision about the amount of money you think you should, or could earn – this is your upper limit, your ceiling. To begin, let’s get clarity on ‘your’ numbers.

How to work out your energetic income level:

  • List your income over the last 3 or 4 years, you can break this down in a number of ways – what you earned monthly, your monthly average for the tax year, or your yearly income. Use the profit figure, the amount you pay yourself, or what comes to you from your employer after deductions, whatever is most relevant. Just ensure you always use the same figure, otherwise it could get confusing and the results won’t be an accurate reflection of what’s going on.
  • From the above exercise you should be able to clearly see the amount of monthly, average monthly and/or yearly income that you’re struggling to move past. You may have had a few months, or even a year when it peaked, but it never stayed there. It always went back down to the same lower figure… this is the figure we need to be mindful of. For example, you might always be struggling to get past £3k a month and despite some great sales and an expected bonus where you hit £5k one month, your income dipped straight back down to £3k a month.

In the next section, we’re going to look the significance of this figure, so make sure you know your numbers and you know the amount you’re struggling to move past. It’s important to be as accurate as possible, because otherwise you might miss something significant and it will make the next exercise more challenging.